
Food Basics 101.

What I am about to explain to you is very basic and very simple but I still feel that it needs to be said.   Everyone is at a different level of understanding when it comes to food knowledge, so I will breifly point this out here.

Whole Foods                   vs.                 Processed Foods

Whole foods - are those that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed as little as possible before being consumed.  They typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugars, salts, or fats.  These are life supporting foods that will heal and nourish your body if prepared correctly and eaten in proper combination.

Processed foods - any foods that have been over cooked at high temperatures, pasteurised, homogenized, refined, or adulterated with unatural man-made elements.  These types of food will suck the ever-living life out of you causing both your body and mind to become sick.

Here are just a few main basic reasons why whole food is completely necessary.

Whole foods contain fiber - The fibers of natural food act as a broom inside our intestines, which help to grab hold of waste matter and pass it through the intestines. Over cooking, processing and refining destroys this fiber making it too soft.

Fibrous material should be somewhat tough or rough, hence, the other popular name for fiber “roughage.” Food is pushed through the body by muscles and hairlike structures on the inside of the intestines.  This is called peristaltic action. The intestines need this type of “roughage” so that it has something more solid to grab a hold of and push through your internal pipes.

Without this fiber the intestines have nothing to work against.  This makes it hard to pass the waste material of foods through the intestines.  When food is not quickly passed, it ferments and begins to putrefy in the intestinal tract.

These waste materials then start to accumulate and line the walls of the large and small intestines.  You can think of this like the pipes in your sink. Eventually they accumulate so much garbage and debris that they become clogged.  It would be great if we could just down a bottle of Drano and all this accumulated waste would clean out of the intestines but as we know, that’s not the way.  Eating the diet that you will learn in this course will eventually remove this filth.  But if you want to rip this stuff out as fast as possible, so that proper foods can be absorbed as soon as possible, a
colon cleanse is the fastest method.

Below is a simple drawing to give you a better mental picture of waste material built up on the walls of the colon and how fiber acts as a broom to help grab it and sweep it away.

The picture below is a Cross-Section of the Colon(Large Intestine).

1.) The broom represents fiber grabbing and sweeping old waste material through the colon.

2.) Ninety percent of the vitamins and minerals of food are absorbed through the walls of the small intestines.  When they are lined with putrefactive matter only minuscule amounts of nutrients are absorbed.  Also, this waste matter slowly leaks through the walls of the intestines and circulates back into the blood stream creating what is called autointoxicition(basically the body poisoning itself).  Sometimes they become so clogged that nothing may pass through, creating serious problems such as constipation and much more.

Here is a live version of the putrifactive matter.

Have you ever noticed that you are hungry again shortly after you have just eaten?

Many overly cooked and processed foods are void of proper nutrients, so now your body cries out to eat again in order for it to be supplied with the proper nutrients.  This gives you the tendency to eat more and more for your appetite to be satisfied.  And of course when you eat more processed food you become fatter and unhealthier much easier. 

Losing  your energy from processed foods

When we eat processed junk foods, which have unatural chemical stuctures compared to that of whole foods, there is an internal alarm that goes off inside the stomach.  This alarm calls on our body’s enzymes to come in and help break down these unnatural substances.

This is one reason why most people loose energy and concentration after eating junk foods.  The body’s own enzymes that were performing other functions such as thinking, muscle reparation, ect... now have to stop what they are doing and help aid in this difficult digestion process.  This leaves us with that tired feeling most of us can relate to after eating a heavy meal especially after that big Christmas dinner.

When we eat processed foods with added chemicals, drink alcohol or use drugs the nerves in the body are highly stimulated.  After this high stimulation the nerves become tired and start to shut down for rest and repairation.  This is another reason why we feel more burned out and tired on junk foods.

So if you want to lose fat, calcium deposits in joints, cholesterol in your arteries, or break down cancerous tumors, it is your own body's enzymes who will perform these functions.  If our body is constantly trying to fight against and get rid of unnatural substances, it has less time to truly repair and become stronger.  The same applies when we want to build our muscles, have strong teeth, better eyesight, repair wounds, ect...

Now with that said:  Let's dive in and take a closer look at each of these food groups and see how to properly prepare them so that we can absorb and assimilate the maximum amount of nutrition from each group with minimum effort on the body.