
Final Words.

Nearly everyone who reads this course can see the truths in the laws of nature.  You may even get very excited and give it a serious go.  When you try it you will experience the difference as your health improves; your energy increases; and your fitness levels of strength and endurance take off!

But just like other diet and exercise programs you might tend to slide back into old habits and routines.  (If this happens to you simply come back and look through this course or certain sections of it that you think will help you the most).

In the beginning it’s not easy to follow the Laws of Nature because most of us are constantly surrounded by temptations.  Go at your own pace, some will feel like changing quicker than others and that's ok. But if you are not fully ready don’t force yourself to make a complete 180° flip by completely switching to a totally different diet and exercise program (unless you have very serious health problems).  The faster you begin the better, but if you need to, slowly and gradually make the switch following these dietary laws. Sometimes if you go too extreme too fast this only sets the stage for guilt and a sense of failure if you eat some unhealthy foods.  Always keep a positive attitude about your diet by congratulating yourself for how many days you have eaten well and try not to worry about the times you backslide.  Just know that as time goes by you will eventually come to love natural whole foods so much that you won’t even want to eat the junk foods you ate in the past.

You must think of your eating and exercise as an endurance race, not a fast sprint.  Eating healthy for one day will not bring you the success you are looking for.  You should give yourself at least three months before you can expect to see some serious results.  It’s like a marathon, you don’t just go out and run a marathon in one day, you gradually improve over weeks of training and focus.  Same with the gym, you don’t go in the gym on your first day an bench press 500 lbs.  After a little time and dedication your muscles grow and adapt to the new changes.  So take your time, and be good to yourself.  All the BEST things in life take a little time, focus, and dedication to achieve.

Take Responsibility for Yourself

It’s easy to blame others for the way we are.  But right now is the time to STOP MAKING EXCUSES!  Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but right now is the time to start making the first changes in your life.  You’ve already made a big step by purchasing this course but you can read all day about diet and exercise and your body won’t change a bit.  Now you must put the knowledge you have learned here into action! 

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, picture yourself doing and trying fresh new whole foods over this next year; see yourself walking, eventually running, and trying new exercises.  See yourself taking a few moments each day to go into the theatre of your mind and visualise how you want to be.  All this may seem a little overwhelming at first but as you slowly add these things into your life you will find it’s like riding a bicycle.  At first it feels somewhat awkward and off balance but then it becomes so easy you don’t even think about it anymore.

One man is not an island and we do need help from other people sometimes in our lives but relying too much on other people will give you an excuse for failure.

For example:
  1. You may blame your wife/partner/mother/father for not buying enough good fresh fruits and whole grains when they did the shopping, so I guess that means you have to eat some processed cereals, and pasteurised milk instead.  It’s not your fault now is it? Well guess what, that just doesn’t cut it.  Put some action into it and you go and buy the fresh foods that you need.  Family or partners may not be ready to make changes the same time you are.   Don’t try and force your new ways on to them either.  Just tell them you are trying something a little different. And that’s it, nothing else.  If they ask why just be honest and say, "I'm just trying to show a little self respect by eating healthier by eating healthier is there something wrong with that?"

  2. Your training partner fails to show up for that early morning workout. This means you can just skip it like your partner, right?  Wrong!  Step up man/woman, be your own inspiration, you come to train for yourself not for the other person.  This is one of the main reasons I learned to train by myself.  Many times having an MP3 with good music sounds better than a training partner anyway.

Come to the reality that you are not responsible for the actions of other people but you are responsible for your own actions.  Your body and your mind are the only thing that you will have complete control over.

Everlasting Protection

For if we learn to use the true power and strength given to us from our Earthly Mother, she will, just as all mothers try to protect their young, take care of us and love us so that no harm or disease will ever come our way.  Sadly but truly we have turned away from the love and strength that so silently and patiently lays hidden before our blinded eyes.

But now you know the truth for true health and strength, for I have shared her secrets with you that I have so desperately sought after. 

Learn to love your Earthly Mother and eat always from her abundant harvest and she will give unto you superior health and strength.

"I tell you in very truth, Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his whole body, even as the body of the newborn babe is born of the womb of his mother.  I tell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you, and you in her.  Of her were you born, in her do you live, and to her shall you return again.  Keep, therefore, her laws, for none can live long, neither be happy, but he who honors his Earthly Mother and does her laws.  For your breath is her breath; your blood her blood; your bone her bone; your flesh her flesh; your bowels her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and her ears.

"I tell you truly, should you fail to keep but one only of all these laws, should you harm but one only of all your body's members, you shall be utterly lost in your grievous sickness, and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  I tell you, unless you follow the laws of your Mother, you can in no wise escape death.  And he who clings to the laws of his Mother, to him shall his Mother cling also.  She shall heal all his plagues, and he shall never become sick.  She gives him long life, and protects him from all afflictions; from fire, from water, from the bite of venomous serpents.  For your Mother bore you, keeps life within you.  She has given you her body, and none but she heals you.  Happy is he who loves his Mother and lies quietly in her bosom.  For your Mother loves you, even when you turn away from her.  And how much more shall she love you, if you turn to her again?  I tell you truly, very great is her love, greater than the greatest of mountains, deeper than the deepest seas.  And those who love their Mother, she never deserts them.  As the hen protects her chickens, as the lioness her cubs, as the mother her newborn babe, so does the Earthly Mother protect the Son of Man from all danger and from all evils.

                                            Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

I have given you many truths in this course.  Everyone will trip over the truth at least once in their lives, some people will stop and look to see what they have tripped over while others will keep stumbling forward never stopping to observe what they have come across.  For your own sake, don’t just keep stumbling forward buying foods that make you and your children sick.  Stop and take a few moments to learn and incorporate these truths into your life.

If you haven’t done this by now, stop and take a minute to visualise the future.  Think of all the medical bills, lost work, and lost school from sickness caused by a poor undernourishing diet.  In the end you will end up paying thousands of dollars more for treatments and medications as your body becomes flabby, weak, and sick.  Sometimes fresh organic fruits and vegetables cost a few cents more than commercial produce but just consider those few cents as your health insurance that will keep you out of the hospital.

Time and Effort

As you start to follow the Laws of Nature you are going to have put in a little time and effort.  Both in your food and your exercise.  It may seem strange sprouting your own grains or shopping in a new place such as a health food store but make the effort to slowly start adding new superior foods to your daily dietary habits.  In the beginning it may take a little more time and effort than just throwing in a microwave TV dinner but the end results will be well worth it.  You find as time goes by how fast and simple it becomes.  Remember, Beauty lies in Simplicity.

Starting a new exercise program may require getting off your arse and moving around a little bit.  Everyone has different fitness levels so I say again, begin slowly and work your way up, even if you only do a few minutes a day.  Some days we all don’t feel like exercising, on these days stay with a light workout but do something(go for a quick walk in some fresh air) and I guarantee you will feel much better afterwards.

I don’t expect everyone who reads this book to jump in and follow it 100%. My Goal here is to bring enlightenment or just simple understanding about the foods we eat and our thoughts.  If there were only a few light bulbs that went off in your head as you went through this course then my mission is complete.

As you gradually start to follow the laws of nature, experiencing the vibrant feeling of health they bring, these laws will start making even more sense. Pick out the things that you liked best and start with those, as you get comfortable with the new changes you have made, then come back and re-read this course to add some new positive things to your life.  Don’t try and do it all in one day.

You don’t have to move into a commune or live in a grass hut on a deserted island to follow these laws of nature.  In fact, you have the abilities and resources to do this much easier.  Instead of growing your own food or grinding your bread by hand you can easily walk into a store and buy these fresh foods. 

You only have one life in the body you’re in now.  Don’t go through this life guzzling beer and eating potato chips in front of the TV.  Your life is a gift and you came here to DO something.  Don’t cop out like the rest of the crowd by growing old and sick like we are “suppose” to.  Use this life to become something more than you could ever imagine.

I know we are constantly surrounded by temptation and that it’s easy to forget about the laws of nature that govern our bodies.  Learn to turn your head and look the other way as you walk past your favorite junk foods (out of site out of mind) and eventually these cravings will disappear.

I wish we did live in a world where good health came from drinking pasteurised milk, eating at McDonalds everyday, and having doughnuts and white bread sandwiches for lunch.  But this is not the truth.  Following the truth of dietary habits will set you from sickness, suffering, disease, and a boatload of medical bills.

I also wish there really were little magic pills that could cure every disease. As many people have the illusion that this is true, I assure you, it is not.  Pills from the pharmacies may cover up the pain or stop the body from performing a certain function but they do not heal the body.

For true healing to take place always remember that the body must be cleaned and properly nourished with whole foods.

So when your body becomes sick and riddled with disease that no pills or doctors can fix or relieve, please remember this course and come back to it, for the laws of our Earthly Mother will heal your body and your mind.  Also keep in mind that the longer you wait the harder it will be.  So begin now to change into healthier habits.  She is patiently waiting to give you Health, Happiness, and Strength.  It is your birth right!

Sure, I diverge from the laws of nature every once in a while, I am human. But I keep returning to them.  Why?  Because they work.  Because my body feels and functions much better with them, I’m healthier, leaner, stronger, and faster.  My mind is more calm yet I am much more awake and alert; I think more clearly and have way more energy. And this is the reward!!!

It wasn’t me who made the rules for Superior Health but they do exist.  If you learn to follow this path and obey the laws of the earthly-mother then you my friend, will always be protected from external elements, and rewarded with ageless health, beautiful skin, eyes that sparkle, and a ripped, lean, muscular body that contains with in it, Superior Health and Strength.  You now have the knowledge so now go and, BECOME WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE!!!