

      There are thousands of books on health and different diets. So what is the Truth!?  One book says to eat fish the other says not to, one says eat grains and one says not to.  What the heck is going on here?  There are literally mountains of information out there on this subject. And for the last 17 years I have done nothing but read and use my own body to experiment with all these different diets and health products.

This has been my deepest passion to find the truth about what foods keep the body running at its most optimal level.  In fact, it has not been just a passion but some that know me might even call it an obsession.  My point is; I have gone beyond what the average person would do find the truth about diet and health. 

Occasionally I would venture out with my friends but 90% percent of the time as my roommates would party, I would be at home reading every book on health that I could get my hands on and literally, one after another.  Even with my money, I spent everything I had testing some of the best and worse products available.  My room never really looked like a normal room but more like a science lab.

With my endless hours of research, personal experiments, and thousands of dollars spent testing products my goal is to bring to you the truth about true health and strength.  I have taken the best information from a countless number of different sources and combined them here in one course so you don’t have to spend the next 10 or twenty years in search of the best diet or health program.  I have “cut the fat off” of all the topics discussed in this book so that we get straight to the point.  My goal was not to dazzle you with fancy words just to fill up the pages and make a book but to give you the best facts and information without all the mumbo jumbo.

I’m sure my previous English teachers would be horrified at my writing style, but I guess that's their problem because this is my course, and I write as I speak.  My goal was to write as clear and simple as possible to create an easy understanding of the diet and nutrition world which man has done such a great job of complicating.  I have tried all of the most famous diets, Atkins, the instinco, fruitarian, vegetarian, vegan, tribal diets, hunter gatherer (paleo diet), macrobiotic diet, South Beach diet, the Makers Diet etc... etc
<>... This course will crack the questions and controversy to all these different diets. You will see how the diet is forever changing and learn why and when and how we should eat certain foods.

So whom do we turn to for the correct answers on diet and health? 

There are thousands of different Doctors and nutritionist, who is right?  Many professionals, who are searching for truth and not out to make big sells on the next diet pill, have looked to tribal people and their diets.  Tribal people are much healthier than the average city dweller in that they have fewer diseases.  Their diets consist of all natural foods without the Twinkie Cakes and microwave dinners.  But we must go a step further and look to the Masters of Discipline and Health, The Essenes.

So who were the Essenes and what was so special about them?

The Essenes were a group of people who dedicated their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually to perfection.  They knew the laws of nature that governed mans’ body.  They understood the connection between man and the earth.  With this knowledge they knew how to heal all ailments of the body and keep it functioning at its maximum potential.

Not just anyone could come and learn freely from these people.  Their secrets remained a mystery unless you were allowed, only by initiation, to enter this superior race of men.  During this initiation one had to live in the manner of an Essene for one year.  After a full year you were baptized but still not fully accepted, then you had another probation period of 2 years to prove your worthiness.  Once approved you were able to travel freely without carrying any luggage because the other groups of Essenes welcomed and showed hospitality as if you were a part of their family.  Everything was given willingly if you had any needs.

At the time Jesus walked the earth ancient historians recorded that there were about 4,000 Essenes.  They lived in communal groups on the shores of lakes and rivers away from cities spread all throughout Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.  There were several different names for these brotherhoods, the Egyptians called them Therapeutae or Healers but modern day texts mostly refer to them as Essenes.

They were healers, prophets, and teachers and shared their daily work in the fields.  They were custodians of ancient wisdom who had libraries that contained some of the most intellectual writings.  Much of their time was spent studying writings from the ancients and scriptures, learning what was good for their body and soul.

Pythagoras (Also known as the Father of Mathematics) studied, learned, and practiced with the Essenes.  They were Masters of Discipline, living a life of perpetual sobriety.  They ate only the best of foods that gave them amazing strength and endurance and never consumed anything thing that may harm their bodies.

As they were mostly agriculturist and arboriculturist they had a vast knowledge of crops, soil and climatic conditions enabling them to grow many different types of fruits and vegetables.

The ancient historian Philo recorded that “people stood in awe as they watched the Essenes work witnessing their true strength and stamina as they would literally work from sunrise to sunset.” Weather was never an excuse for not working and each day they would return from the fields rejoicing with happiness as though they had been partying all day.

Josephus, another historian of their time said that they were charitable, devout, totally honest and trust worthy.  The decisions were made by the majority of the group, they made no wars, were peace loving and frugal.

They were the first people to condemn slavery in both theory and practise, as they never had servants or slaves.  Sharing everything equally, there were no rich and no poor amongst them, as they considered both of these conditions as deviations from the Law.

They had their own economic system and showed that all man’s food and material needs could be attained without struggle, through knowledge of the law.

They believed the body was a temple for god and never spoiled it from poor eating or drinking habits.  With their knowledge of foods and how and when to properly use them along with their way of life, they easily lived without disease, to advanced ages of 120 years and beyond.  Even with these advanced ages they still performed marvelous feats of strength and endurance.

Such then was the life of the Essenes, a life so highly to be prized that not only commoners but also great kings looked upon them with great admiration and amazement, and the praise and honours which they gave added further veneration to their respectable name.

These brotherhoods were responsible for sending out some of the greatest healers and teachers that ever walked the earth, amongst whom were Elijah, John the Baptist, John the Beloved and the Great Essene Master, Jesus.


The Essene Gospel of Peace is an ancient manuscript written by the Essenes that was hidden for almost 2000 years in the Secret Archives of the Vatican. Dated to the first century AD, it contains the answers to fasting, diet, and angels; all of which were altered or entirely removed from Christian teaching after the first Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

The council of Nicaea was a large meeting of bishops from all the Christian churches called together by the Emperor Constantine.  Here, the council voted what information was to be shown to the public and what information was to be hidden, by doing this they effectively hammered out what was to become the Holy Roman Law scriptures.  During this process much of Christianity’s original spiritual, mental, and dietary laws were edited or removed entirely to serve the more earthly agendas of the emergent Holy Roman Empire.

If these manuscripts were released to public directly after this meeting the Roman Empire would probably have crumbled much sooner than it did.

As the result of limitless patience, faultless scholarship, and unerring intuition Edmond Bordeax Szekely discovered these ancient scrolls.  He was a master linguist, fluent in 16 different languages.  In 1937 he published the first English version from the original Aramaic text found in the Vatican.  Other fragments of this complete manuscript were also found in old Slavonic text in the Royal Library of the Hapsburgs (now the property of the Austrian Government).

Liberated from the secret archives of the Vatican these sacred scrolls are testaments to the eternal and living truth of the laws of nature that govern mans’ health and diet.

Just stop for a moment and take a look around, there are certain laws in nature that govern everything around you.  The earth makes a complete rotation every 24 hours; there is a full moon every 28 days; the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; gravity holds you to the earth; pour water on seeds and they begin to grow.  My point is.…..There is law and order everywhere in nature even with health and diet.  If we obey these laws of health and diet then happy and strong we will be, but if we break these laws, just as sure as gravity pulls us to the earth, our bodies shall surely see disharmony and disease.

There are 4 different books that complete the series of the Essene Gospels of Peace.  In this course, I will be referring mostly to The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1. This book describes the suffering of many men and the specific instructions from Jesus that helped them to cleanse and rebuild their bodies to superior health and strength where they could live long upon this earth and never again see disease.

And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. "If you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues?  Why are we not whole like other men?  Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery.  We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease.  Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions.  Master, have compassion on us."

And Jesus answered, "Happy are you that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom.  Happy are you that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter."

                                                 Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace.

This knowledge given from Jesus, to those who seeked the truth for superior health and a disease free body and mind, can now be backed by scientific evidence.

I will state again, there is so much controversy in the field of nutrition we must look to the Masters of health for the answers.  As you will see, many of the sections contain excerpts from the words of Jesus found in these ancient manuscripts, along with the scientific research and studies proving the truths behind his words. These truths will answer the controversial arguments of today's health questions.

You may find that you know some of the material given here but for the knowledge you have not heard please keep an open and logical mind.  Read this course a few times if you have to but let the information given here enter the laboratory of your mind and be analysed to find the truth.  I am not asking you to believe in the information I have provided here but I am challenging you to question everything!  Often times the truth is stranger than fiction so if there is a subject discussed here that surprises you I encourage you to dig as deep as you can to find more. I have only scraped the surface on many of these subjects bringing you mostly the hard cold facts of science.

Though I do mention Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Hindus, Yogis,
ancient Chinese and Indian wisdom, and some quotes from different scriptures, I am not speaking about religion here.  I am simply proving, with logic and scientific evidence, the laws of nature for superior health and strength that were known and held in secret by these master healers.

You could call this diet system the Essene Diet but they were not the originators they simply obeyed the “laws of nature” for food and eating. These laws have been hidden from the eyes of most men for a long long time, but now, let me show you the forgotten secrets that will give you Superior Health and Strength.


The information here is not about the next magical pill, it is about true health and healing.  Some of this might be overwhelming for you. To be overwhelmed just means you haven’t learned to put new information into action.  I will show you how to put this information into action with very little time and effort.  So be not worried my friend, for you will learn the simple ways of incorporating these ideas into your everyday life which in turn, will lead you to superior health and strength.