
The Mind.

The Essenes considered thought to be a superior force because it is the instigator of both feeling and action.

Our thoughts have the ability to penetrate both our feelings and actions.  So we must learn how to utilise this power to guide and direct our feelings and actions into the right directions.

As time went by I noticed that even with the knowledge to all the secrets for superior health, for some reason I found it tough keeping it all into action and doing it or .....using it.  Why?  I didn’t have the proper mentality to use this knowledge.  If you seek, you can find truth and knowledge everywhere, but the trick to turn this knowledge into part of your actions.

Most of the time, even when people do find the secrets to a superior diet, they tend to slip right back into their old patterns that sabotaged their health in the first place.  This is because we usually tend to focus only on the negative physical habits.  But this is not the root of the problem.  The root of the problem stems from negative thoughts and emotions.  The negative physical habits are the exterior and end result of what is happening on the inside.

The proper food is only half of the health puzzle.  The other half is mind work.  You now have the knowledge of the most superior foods but the question is, “How do I incorporate them into daily dietary habits?” To do this should not feel like a sense of ‘I have to because it is good for me’ but more of a sense of ‘I want and I feel better giving myself only the best foods.’

So how do we do this?  I’m not going to beat around the bush here I’m just going to say it how it is.  We have to re-brainwash ourselves.  If you want to hear the nicer version, we must learn to re-route our neural pathways into thinking different.  Truth is, we’ve been constantly brainwashed by food advertising agencies for nearly our entire lives. E.g. Coca-Cola commercials portraying happy weddings, friends, family, love… all these things that give you a sense of good feeling if you drink their product.  Sugar coated cereals all have some type of cartoon clown or animal on the box that appeal to the eyes of children.  McDonalds has the psycho clown that does the same thing..... and on and on.  These are all marketing ideas to increase sells on their product. 

Nothing wrong with marketing a product that provides a benefit to a person but most companies are selling you quite the opposite.  If you're honest with yourself, you and I both know there are no health benefits for drinking coke, eating greasy cheeseburgers, or eating sugary Twinkie cakes.  Over the years we have slowly been brainwashed into thinking these products are "ok" for the body and I assure you they are not.

If you want to eat healthier, first you must learn to think in a different way. Making positive changes in our diet and our minds comes to us the same way we receive other good things in life, for example the day we get a nice house, a new car, or have a successful business.  These things don’t just happen overnight, we must put a little time and effort into making these things come into our lives.  I wish it could be as easy as snapping our fingers but I won’t lie to you, it is not.  Many different variables play a role in our eating habits so we must learn how to get past these.

The Rebellious Child
Know that you are the master of your thoughts.  No one else but you controls what goes on inside your head.  As we are trying to change our diets or lives in general we often experience resistance to that change.

For example- If you had a little child who was allowed to stay up as late as he/she wanted for a long time, and then one day you make a decision that now you want that child to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. every night, what do you think the first night would be like?

Many times the child will rebel against this new rule kicking, screaming, fighting, or whatever else he/she may do to stay up late.  If you give in at this time, the child wins and will try to control you forever.

However, If you firmly, yet calmly stick to your decision that this is the new bedtime, the rebellion will lessen.  In two to three nights you will have a new routine established.

The mind works the same way.  Often times our brains have adapted to certain eating habits.  It doesn’t want to be retrained. Sometimes as we make new decisions or rules for our life, that little child pops up in our brain showing us great resistance.  But you are the master of your thoughts, you are in control.  If you will stay focused and firm about your decisions you will establish in a very short time a new way of thinking.  Over time, gradually set some rules, stick to them, and re-train your inner child.

"And your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts are."

                                         Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

Not only with proper foods should we feed our body but we must also feed our minds with proper thoughts.

Everything begins and ends with thought.  That is a very powerful statement.  Nothing happens for you unless it is first a thought in your mind. For example, You don’t eat without thinking about it first; you don’t drive a car, or brush your teeth, ect. without first having it as a thought.  All your actions begin as thoughts.  So the first and most important thing we must learn, when changing our health, is to think different.

Your mind is the most powerful tool that you can use.  But it can be a double edge sword.  You can use your mind to better yourself or make yourself worse because you will attract what your thoughts dwell upon whether it is a negative or positive idea. That is just a universal law.

Your subconscious mind is like a sponge.  It will accept any information that you give it whether good or bad.

“ As he thinketh in his heart so he is” Jesus Christ.

You become whatever your thoughts are, that being said, you are only as good as your self-image.  How do you see yourself? Healthy, happy, successful or maybe tired, depressed and sick.

You are exactly the way you are because somewhere in the back of your mind, that is how you have pictured yourself.  Changing your health, wealth, relationships, job, or anything else in life first begins with changing your self-image.

How do you change your self-image?  You must take a few minutes each day to think or meditate on the kind of health that you want.  Start with 5 minutes a day and then maybe work your way up to 15 minutes.  Find a spot where you will not be disturbed.

You can do this sitting up or lying down.  I usually do this laying down right before I go to sleep and right before I get out of bed in the morning.  Also take a few deep breaths, really paying attention as the air fills your lungs with life as you inhale.  When you exhale see whatever tensions you have in your body turning into smoke and being released as you exhale.  This will help you to become as relaxed as possible, the more relaxed you are the better the subconscious mind absorbs information.  The subconscious mind is like a sponge and will absorb anything you put into it.

Always shoot for the stars and think for superior health.  Get crazy with this,
go into the theatre of your mind and make a mental picture of exactly how you want to be.  See yourself as a lean muscular machine and picture yourself thriving off of whole foods given to you by the earth.

Whether you believe it or not, see yourself as being completely happy eating the foods you have chosen to eat.  You may feel a little weird or uncomfortable at first but this will disappear the more times you do it.  The rebellious child might pop up here but remember you are the adult, you are the master!

Christ told a story of how our bodies are like a house and our souls are just the caretakers.  In the theatre of my mind, I see myself as a muscular guard standing in front of this giant house.  I allow what goes into this house.  I see myself only allowing fresh whole foods to enter this house.  If I see any type of junk food that may want to enter I give it a “swift kick in the nuts” and toss it as far away from my house as I can.  Like I said, get crazy with this, use your imagination. The crazier you can make the ideas the easier they will stick in your subconscious mind.

Once your new self-image has been created in your mind then you must DO whatever it takes to make that thought manifest into reality.  To manifest means to transform a thought into a tangible, real thing.  This might even mean clearing out all the junk food in your house or going and getting a gym membership.  Make some movement and some changes.  This will feel a little weird at first but it’s like changing the furniture around in your house.  At first it seems strange but eventually you get use to it and it becomes normal.

A Universal Law.  If you fixate your mind on something long enough it will come to pass.  This is a fact. But you must take action for this to happen. You can sit around all day and dream about being healthier and stronger but that is only the first part.  The second part consist of action or doing something about it.

Now, there is no guarantee that whatever you think and do will happen exactly when you want it, but eventually it will come to pass.  Just think about something in life that you really really wanted, and I mean really wanted.  It could have been a certain job, a car, a college degree, a bike, a computer, more knowledge for better health, it really doesn’t matter.  This thought probably stayed with you for many hours during the day and probably even kept you awake for sometime in the night.  If you will take a moment to think back on something you really wanted, you will remember that it probably didn’t come the next day but within time you got it!

To change yourself mentally or physically will take some time.  You must know exactly what you want and focus only on those things.  This sounds very simple but most people do quite the opposite.  It’s amazing but most people actually focus on what they don’t want.  If someone were to ask you what you wanted, here are the most common answers.

1. I don’t want to be fat.
2. I don’t want to be sick
3. I want to stop eating junk foods
4. I’m tired of being tired all the time
5. I don’t want to be insecure
6. I just want to get rid of this weight problem
7. I just wish I would stop overeating

Even without using the words “don’t want” they are still saying/focusing on the things that they do not want.  These negative affirmations only create more of what we don’t want because whatever you put your attention on grows and becomes permanent in your life.

You must change these negative thoughts into positive affirmations, it is the only way you will ever get what you want.  If one of these negative statements pops into your head you must change it immediately to a positive one.

1. I want to be slim, graceful, and confident around others.
2. I want to be a glowing light of radiant health
3. I want to eat only foods from my Earthly Mother’s table
4. I want to have the energy and vitality to achieve my goals and dreams
5. I want to feel loved and secure
6. I want to be toned, and muscular for whatever activities that come my way
7. I eat only until I feel satisfied and I feel much better afterwards.

This may sound like a small change in thought but it has a huge impact for manifesting what you really want.

Sustained consecutive thought and feeling create your Reality.

EMOTIONS All the ideas in the world will not work until you add emotion or feeling to them. 

It’s easy for you to say you want better health but how do feel when you say it?  Pay attention because this is what separates success from the failure.  Truth is, many people would like to have better health, be thinner, stronger, faster, more focused, ect... If you had a machine that could measure how they feel inside about having these things, you would see that their feelings about having these things don’t really match up to what they say.

Anyone can sit and think about what they want all day but it is emotion that will move our mind and bodies into getting exactly what we want.  Once you have the mental picture of what you really want, you must add emotion to this thought.  If you don’t feel absolutely wonderful when you see the new you then you will never get to where you want to be.  Positive feelings and success go hand in hand.  You must have a strong feeling with the mental picture that you have created.

One big word comes to mind here DESIRE.  You can have the all knowledge to the best foods and the best training in the world but if you don’t have a burning desire for superior health then success will elude you.  Until you learn how to train your brain muscle to burn with desire for the things you want in life you will always fall short. Creating a deep desire or passion for the way you want to be will make such a vibrational shift in your body that you become like a magnet powerfully attracting whatever you place your thoughts on.

Thought For Food
During your meditations see yourself with a smile and a feeling of calmness and joy as you eat your new, wonderful, life giving foods. See yourself showing deep gratitude to your Earthly mother and your Heavenly Father for giving you such abundance.  I can understand if you feel some resistance here because certain old eating habits may have comforted you during different times in your life, but I repeat, you must picture and feel yourself being absolutely happy with your new powerful and nourishing foods or it will be very hard for you to make dietary changes.

"Rejoice, therefore, always with God's angels at their royal table, for this is pleasing to the heart of the Lord. And your life will be long upon the earth, for the most precious of God's servants will serve you all your days: the angel of joy."
                                         Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

For Body See in your mind's eye your body transforming into the beautiful chizzled or smooth body that you want.  Feel yourself moving about graciously as the strength of your muscles moves you effortlessly in your task.  See and feel a white light filling your whole body and shaking you as you become healthier and stronger.  You must have a strong emotional desire to become healthier.  See and feel this desire burn as an extremely hot flame inside your abdominal region.  Then see that desire getting hotter as it burns deep into your bones and spreads through out the entire body.  Feel yourself bursting with joy as you attain better thinking and eating habits.  The more dramatic you can make this emotional desire in your minds eye, the stronger the driving force will be that moves you into action.  Get crazy with this.  Use your wildest imagination to see and feel exactly what you want.  Use all your senses.  Taste it, hear it, smell it, see it, and feel it.  The more crystal clear you can envision your life the faster it will manifest for you.


“Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Jesus

After you see and feel what you want then start saying positive affirmations to yourself.  As you go into the theatre of your mind and see yourself standing there, say to yourself things like:

1. I am the master of myself
2. I am healthy
3. I have strength
4. I am transforming into a mind and body of superior health and strength
4. I have what it takes
5. Nothing will stop me!

Even if you don’t think these things are true, still say them to yourself. The
subconscious mind will eventually accept this information and it becomes you.

What really helped me change my diet the most?

When I started combining the Holosync CD’s with positive affirmations it made remarkable changes in my thinking.  So how did this work?  The Holosync CD’s put your mind into a Delta State (A state of Deep Meditation). When your mind is in this state of meditation the sub-conscious mind easily excepts information from the conscious mind.  Whether bad or good the sub-conscious begins to except the information. Click Here for a Free Sample

Now, you can sit and try and meditate without the Holosync CD’s but you can reach this state of meditation much faster and easier with them.  In this Delta State I would say things like the above affirmations and also things like, “I love eating my sprouted rice, it taste so good, I can’t wait to eat it, I feel so happy and so satisfied when I am finished eating it.” And “I love not to overeat, I feel so much better throughout the day.” Now I know that sounds a little crazy and maybe even like brainwash, but TV commercials and other advertisements are constantly “brainwashing” you into buying and eating some junk food that your body doesn’t need.

Using these CD’s and combining positive affirmations of how I wanted to be and how I wanted to eat made the biggest change for me.

Never use affirmations using future tense words like “will or will be.” E.g.

1. I will be healthy
2. I will have strength
3. I will change
4. I will do what it takes

Your subconscious mind will believe exactly what you tell it, so if you use future tense affirmations then that is where those ideas will always stay, just out of your reach in the future.

Always make your affirmations in the PRESENT TENSE.  Change "I will" to " I am becoming."

RELEASING  Sometimes you may have that little voice that pops up and says “yeah right, this is BS.” or “Whatever, you will never be able to give up eating junk foods.” This is where you must face the negative side of yourself.

As you are relaxed in a quiet place go into the theatre of your mind and see yourself walking up to your negative self.  Your negative self is an exact replica of you, only looks more run down and unhealthy.  Walk right up to your negative self and shake hands, bow, or hug, only a nice greeting nothing violent.  Say hello, ask your negative self how he/she is feeling.  The answer is probably “not so good.” Then ask, “ what is wrong? Are you feeling guilty about something, are you depressed, or angry.  Then just wait a minute and give yourself a chance to answer.  When you do this you are being completely honest with yourself and many times you can find out the root of your problem so you can face them and release them.

When you find the problem FORGIVE YOURSELF for whatever guilt or unhappiness you may be feeling.  You can do this by using this phrase:

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself
(to over eat) or (to have the desire for junk foods), or (for not unconditionally loving myself.)

It may take a few times but this one little tecnique will allow you to release massive amounts of negative thoughts.

Then you could say, “Thank you for trying to protect me but I choose to release you now, I am ready to be released from these old tired rusted shackles and get on with a happier healthier life.” or “Thank you for being a part of me but I can now see your state of unhappiness and I want to help you, so together we change, right now, and help each other to become healthier.”


This is a major key to faster success. Do you remember a time when you felt good about yourself and life was going great for you?  Remember when you were in love and there seemed to be no problems?  Loving yourself will bring about such good feelings and good fortune that you will feel like nothing in the world can phase you.  Loving yourself makes you feel good!  But, it is impossible to do this unless you have self-acceptance and self-approval.
NEVER CRITISIZE YOURSELF IN ANY WAY. I can hear the confusion now.
1. But I have always criticized myself
2. How can I possibly like that about myself?
3. How will I be motivated?
4. My parents/teachers/lovers always criticize me.
5. How am I going to change if I don’t criticize myself?

Right now, you must learn that self-criticism's is NOTHING BUT MINDLESS
CHATTER.  This actually trains your mind to resist change and betray yourself.
Visualise that little voice of self criticizm as a miniature person standing in the palm of your hand pointing and nagging on you.  Pucker your lips as if you were about to whistle and blow on that little person and watch as he turns into sand and is gently blown away into thin air.

I’m sure most of you have heard the old saying “Love Conquers All.” How true this is. For Superior health you must learn to love and approve of yourself.

Exercise: Everyday look in the mirror, stare deep into your own eyes and with as much emotion as you can muster up, say, “I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” The most powerful way is to say it out loud.  I know this sounds a little crazy and there are several people who even have a hard time doing this.  But you must try, if you notice a feeling of hesitation or resistance ask yourself why?  Then wait to see what old beliefs arise.  This is not the time to criticize yourself.  These are probably ideas that have caused you a lot of trouble.  Try and figure out where they came from and dismiss them into the air as you did the little self-criticizer that was standing in the palm of your hand.

So look in the mirror and say with a deep feeling of enthusiasm “I deeply and completely love and except myself” for 30 days in a row.  This will make a drastic positive change in your life I guarantee it!  You can say it a thousand times a day, it doesn’t matter.

Eventually you will resolve many problems with this exercise and truly start believing it.  When you feel comfortable saying this to yourself in the mirror you have made major progress and will feel much better mentally and emotionally.


As you start to change your self-image it may feel a little weird to you.  As I said before, it is like re-arranging the furniture in your bedroom.  At first, every time you walk in, it may feel somewhat strange but in time you get use to it.

Always remember that changing ourselves mentally or physically will take a little time and effort.  So have Faith and not Fear of what the future will bring.

Faith-is believing what you cannot see will come to pass.
Fear –is believing what you cannot see will come to pass.

Both are future scenarios that have not come to pass, so with hope and enthusiasm always stay with only the positive ideas in your life and keep faith.

This is your chance, right now!  This life time, for you to become all that you can be.  You didn’t come here to just make a couple dollars and sit on the couch eating potato chips and watch TV.  You came here to improve yourself, your thoughts, your bodies, and your creations, as we are co-creators of the creator himself, God.  One way He manifests things into the material world is through us with our ideas and actions.  For God is in all of us and he loves to move and create.  So be not still, shine bright and be an inspiration to others!

Let the world know who you really are inside.  We need more of this in our

"And God will send you each morning the angel of sunshine to wake you from your sleep.  Therefore, obey your Heavenly Father's summons, and lie not idle in your beds....

For all which has life does move, and only that which is dead is still.  And God is the God of the living, and Satan that of the dead.  Serve, therefore, the living God, that the eternal movement of life may sustain you, and that you may escape the eternal stillness of death.  Work, therefore, without ceasing, to build the kingdom of God, lest you be cast into the kingdom of Satan.”

                                     Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

The Essenes knew that it was of the up most importance for yourself and everyone around you, for you to be healthy.  God wants you to make the most of yourself, for yourself and others.  You help others more than any other way by making the most of yourself.  Notice how your days become happier and you feel better and more in tune with everyone around you as your health and energy improves.  Pay attention and become aware of this, so that if you backslide and start eating junk foods you will really see and feel the negative effects.