
Quick List of Guidelines for Following the "Laws of Nature."

  1. Always use proper food combinations.

  2. Eat foods that Mother Nature has provided and not processed foods from a box.

  3. Choose organic foods whenever possible.

  4. Try to eat organic foods freshly prepared as often as possible.

  5. The best Fats/Oils to cook with are Coconut oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil.

  6. Keep properly prepared grains as a staple in your diet.

  7. Properly prepare your nuts and seeds by soaking them.

  8. Eat fresh fruit by itself as a meal or a snack throughout the day.

  9. Use Hymalayan or sea salt, raw honey/real maple syrup, and natural herbs for flavoring.

  10. Do not fear animal fats! Use real butter, fresh milk, and kefir or home-made yogurt. But try to keep them to a minimum.

  11. Do not drink to many fruit juices because of high sugar intake or dilute it with water.

  12. Vegetable juices are good but wheatgrass has more nutrients and its faster to drink.

  13. Eat your heaviest meal during morning or midday.

  14. Eating smaller meals for dinner will cut out much digestion work for the body giving you more energy and faster cell reparation.

  15. Three worst foods you can eat
       1) Hydrogenated/Partiallyhydrogenated oils and refined vegetable oils.
       3)White Flour.

By following the laws of nature that govern our diets you will be rewarded with a sleek, chizzled, athletic, healthy body, and a clear, more well balance mind.  Your body will function at its highest level and your sense of well-being will feel amazing.

If you decide to continue eating processed foods that have been stripped of their vitamins and minerals then you will be consuming foods with plenty of calories and very little nutrients.  This is breaking the laws of nature that govern your body.

Sometimes you can get away with breaking the laws made by men but you cannot hide from mother-nature, she will make you pay sooner or later,
no matter what.

Should you decide to keep eating things that your body wasn’t designed to handle, foods like processed vegetable oils, hydrogenated fats, soy foods, or any of the endless range of new fake foods, or if you decide to smoke, drink, or inject tons of steroids or hard drugs.......once again my friend, you break the laws of Mother Nature and you will feel the consequences with sickness and disease.  She may not hit you the next day with suffering but Mother  Nature does not forget and you will pay later on down the road.

Obey her laws and she will love you and take care of you better than any mother by the body.  She will give you strength, keep your body warm in cold temperatures while everyone else is freezing, keep your body cool while others suffer from extreme heat, even make your immune system so strong that you can be bitten by a poisonous snake and continue on as if nothing had happened. (The stories of Daniel and Paul are good examples. They knew the laws of the Earthly Mother.) and last but not least, obeying her laws you will live a happy, long, and disease free life upon this earth.

“If you believe in the angels of the Earthly-Mother and do her laws, your faith shall sustain you and you shall never see disease.”
                                                  Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace