
The Forever Changing Diet.

The diet in your life should change every few months. Why? Mostly to help the body adapt to the weather changes. This is a natural event for all animals. When you look at nature you will notice that certain foods only grow at certain times of the year. I know in the grocery store we have access to the same fruits and vegetables all year long but this is not what exists in nature and these foods come from far away places or countries.

When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Watermelon is a fruit that naturally grows in the summer but you might see it in winter because it has been imported from a hemisphere that has a summer season.

“Happy and wise are they that eat only at the table of God, and eschew all the abominations of Satan. Eat not unclean foods brought from far countries, but eat always that which your trees bear. For your God knows well what is needful for you, and where and when. And he gives to all peoples of all kingdoms for food that which is best for each. Eat not as the heathen do, who stuff themselves in haste, defiling their bodies with all manner of abominations.”
                                                  Jesus, Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

For superior health it is always better to eat foods which have been grown locally in your surrounding area. These foods are usually fresher and have not been sitting in an airplane or the back of a diesel truck. Usually, foods that are transported are sprayed with certain chemicals so that they do not spoil as fast during transportation. (Another reason to stay with organic foods)

Seasonal Cycles have a profound effect on the way we eat. Eating foods that are grown in season in your local environment help your body adapt to the weather. For example, in summer when the weather is hot the body is stimulated to perspire more. We then naturally reach for more watery substances to keep our body cool and help to replenish the lost water. Mother Nature knows what we need, this is why many watery fruits grow in the summer; watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, berries, ect.. Tropical areas where it is usually hot year round produce many watery foods: papaya, pineapple, star fruit, and coconut (water inside).

During winter seasons the body normally craves more calories to help keep its temperature within a normal range. You may notice this as you desire more high fat high protein foods during this time. Sometimes the body may call for more weight particularly body fat to help keep it warm during the cooler seasons. If you have ever paid attention, you notice that edible nuts are produced more in the winter. It is best to consume sprouted nuts, dried fruits, raw milk, spouted breads, steamed vegetables, soups, and avocados during cooler months. These foods have more calories and are rich in good fats and proteins. Research has shown that many people put on more weight in the month of January when the weather is very cold.

It is easy to understand this when we look to tribal people. I use tribal people as an example because they live more in harmony with nature and natural ways of eating. Eskimos of northern colder regions have a higher percentage of body fat compared to the Massais who live in the hot climates of Africa. The extra body fat of the Eskimos simply protects them from the colder climate.

All diet systems fail because they ignore the principle of eating with the seasonal change.

The foods that grow in your area constantly change with the seasons. It is a natural law. You must eat these types of seasonal foods for the body to be healthy and cooperate better with its environment. This is why all “diets” fail. Most programs only give you certain foods you can eat, with no changes. Your diet must change in accordance with environment and season.

Everyone wants the perfect diet so they can be super slim or super buff all the time. Well, even if you’ve tried to stay on a certain type of limiting diet you have probably noticed that it didn’t last to long. Then we beat ourselves up and feel guilty because we were not disciplined to stay with it. Well no more! Now you have learned the truth of a natural law, that the body has different needs throughout the seasonal cycles.  It is natural to have a little more body fat in the winter and less in the summer, its just the body’s way of trying to regulate its temperature to its environment. Look at animals for example, the ones who live in colder climates such as polar bears, different whales, walruses, and some types of seals carry more body fat than those who live in a warmer climate. Fat protects the body from cold weather.

"From the coming of the month of Ijar, eat barley; from the month of Sivan, eat wheat, the most perfect among all seed-bearing herbs. And let your daily bread be made of wheat, that the Lord may take care of your bodies. From Tammuz, eat the sour grape, that your body may diminish and Satan may depart from it. In the month of Elul, gather the grape that the juice may serve you as drink. In the month of Marchesvan, gather the sweet grape, dried and sweetened by the angel of sun, that your bodies may increase, for the angels of the Lord dwell in them. You should eat figs rich in juice in the months of Ab and Shevat, and what remain, let the angel of sun keep them for you; eat them with the meat of almonds in all the months when the trees bear no fruits. And the herbs which come after rain, these eat in the month of Thebet, that your blood may be cleansed of all your sins. And in the same month begin to eat also the milk of your beasts, because for this did the Lord give the herbs of the fields to all the beasts which render milk, that they might with their milk feed man(the Grass Factor).

                                        Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

1. Nisan 30 days March-April
2. Ijar 29 days April-May
3. Sivan 30 days May-June
4. Tammuz 29 days June-July
5. Av 30 days July-August
6. Elul 29 days August-September
7. Tishri 30 days September-October
8. Marcheshvan 29 or 30 days October-November
9. Kislev 30 or 29 days November-December
10. Thebet 29 days December-January
11. Shevat 30 days January-February
12. Adar 29 or 30 days February-March
13. Adar II 29 days March-April

For a look at this old hebrew calendar compared to the modern day gregorian calendar Click Here.

As you can see above, Christ gave instructions to eat the foods so that the body will increase or diminish in size according to proper seasons. Eating grapes or other watery fruits in the summer will help the body to lose weight and eating dried fruit and nuts in winter months will give you more healthy calories to increase in size for winter months.

To increase in size does not mean for you to overeat and become obese, just eat proper seasonal foods that will supply more calories to help your body deal with the weather.

Jesus was also speaking from the environment in which he lived, not that you get confused and think that you should only eat grapes and figs. If you don’t know, you can just ask around to find out what foods grow in season in your area.

Sprouted grains particularly wheat can be eaten year round. Notice above when Christ said “And let your daily bread be made of wheat”.  This can be acknowledged again in a daily prayer that was given to us by Christ. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Here are some of the most common foods and their seasons to be eaten.

Spring - a time of cleansing and new growth. We are all familiar with the old phrase “spring cleaning” you know, when everyone clears out the old stuff that’s been sitting around all year. The same should go for our bodies. Spring is a great time for fasting or cleansing. Here are some foods that help to clean, repair, and create new growth in cells.

• Raw milk,
• Sprouts: alfalfa, sunflower, barley, wheat,
• Salads
• Fresh herbs
• Herbal breads
• Herbal teas
• Strawberries
• Wheatgrass juice

Summer - a time of rapid plant growth and heat. This is a good time to eat things like:

• Watery fruits: watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, and tomatoes
• Coconut water
• Sprouted grains
• Wheatgrass juice
• Any vegetable in season

Fall - a time to gather the harvest and prepare for winter.

• Fruits or vegetables that come from your local crops.
• Apples, figs, raisins, squash, pumpkin, corn, kale, ect.. you will just have to ask around in your area to see what grows locally.
• Sprouted grains

Winter - a time to slow down like all the plants in nature. A time of inner reflection

• Dried fruits with sprouted nuts or grains. (apples, figs, raisins, almonds, pecans, filberts, and hazel nuts)
• Oranges
• Steamed vegetables and soups.
• Raw milk

I have only named a few of the more common foods that grow in temperate zones. Every territory is different so you must find out what grows best in your area. Your health is not going to decline if you occasionally eat some pineapple and you live in Alaska so don’t get too crazy with this. You will probably eat some fruits or veges that are not indigenous to your area but that is much better than some processed junk food.