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Thousands Cured (Including my dog's trismus)
One of Jim's colleges were killed trying
to bring this cheap method to the public.
Kills all funguses, bacteria and viruses.

Jim's story about mms starts at minute 12:45 if you want to cut the intro

For more info about Jim's MMS
>>> Click here.

To Order MMS >>> MMS Professional by Project GreenLife, A Private Healthcare Membership Association

Three Testimonies below where I have personally seen this stuff work!

My  dog (Princess Pearl a.k.a. Pearly) had a condition called 'trismus', which basically means she cannot open her mouth more than a tiny bit, about a quarter of normal.  It's like a type of  Masticatory muscle myositis or another neurologic condition.

The veterinarian told us that trismus happens to 1 in 10,000 dogs.  He also said "there was no cure for trismus."

The veterinarian gave us cortisone (synthetic steroid with side effects).   This helped for about 2 weeks then the trimus came back.   We gave her a second round of cortisone tablets and ended up with the same result.   The trismus still came back.

Then I ran into mms (miracle mineral supplement).  I tried it out and within 3 days she was opening her mouth much wider.  I was shocked at how fast it worked.

One or two days after giving her the drops she could really open her mouth but I got lazy and I stopped giving her the drops because I thought the trismus was gone.  But once again, in a week or two we could see that the trimus was coming back, once more she was having troubles opening her mouth.

So I did more research on different ways to administer the MMS.  They said that it was better to give small doses more frequently throughout the day than to take 2 large doses, for example, taking several mms drops morning and evening.

With smaller more frequent doses, the mms is constantly being pumped throughout the blood stream so that it can continually attack the trismus through out the day.

So I started with a new plan.  My plan was to give her as many doses of mms as possible for 6 months.

So whenever I was at home I would give her 1 drop of mms with 5 drops of apple cider vinegar. (Most dogs do not like the citrus taste of lemons or other citrates so I found that she could take the apple cider vinegar much easier).

I gave her the drops every hour that I was home.  This lasted for about 2 weeks.  Then I got lazy again and started giving her the drops every 2 hours.  Then I backed off again after another 2 weeks and I gave her the drops about 4 times a day.  I did this for about another 2 months and then I finally stopped giving the mms drops.

The trismus improved very quickly the first week but I still kept giving her the drops to try and keep attacking whatever pathogen was causing her this trouble.

So my plan of 6 months turned into only about 3 months.  But it's been over six months since I've given her any drops and when I see her yawn, she can open her mouth fully with no problems!

My other dog Tinker Bell (a.k.a Tinker) had a runny nose and after a few doses of mms it knocked it out in a couple of days.  This stuff is great, very inexpensive and will last for a long time.

When they were puppies.  Tinker and Pearly

To order MMS >>> Click Here

A bladder infection she has had for years!!!

I  was visiting the Florida Keys this year and I had met and became friends with some of the local people.  One of them, a lady named Lisa, was very ill one day when I stopped by for a visit.  I told her about the mms and she was curious enough to watch the video and give it a shot.

I gave her my bottles of mms and returned Four days later to find that she was feeling great!  She said that it knocked her sickness out in 48 hrs!!!

Two other crazy things she said was that it had knocked out a bladder infection she has had for years!!! She was totally in disbelief.

The other thing she mentioned which she felt a little embarrassed about was that it made her poo not stink.  Now, I know that seems a bit weird but I'm just sharing what she told me. 

Finally my own personal test.

After Florida I visited my family and friends.  While in Alabama I had caught a bacteria or virus that had been floating around.  This was very strange because I very rarely get sick.  What's even stranger is that it was the middle of summer.

Now I haven't puked in years!  But this bacteria or virus had me on my hands and knees and I threw up twice.  It felt like someone was twisting a knife in my gut every 5 minutes.  It was so bad that I could barely stand up!  I have never had anything like this before.

I started hitting the mms every hour and by the next day I was feeling much better,  no pains or puking. 

This all started the morning that I was supposed to have a gathering of friends that I haven't seen in 7 years (Perfect Timing Right?!!!).  One of my friends couldn't make it because he was on his fourth day of feeling sick with the same symptoms.  And another one of my friends, who came to the gathering, said his brother had the exact same thing for about a week. 

Because I was the host of the gathering, I sucked it up and had the best time I possibly could with everyone.

There was definitely something going around at that time but the only reason I'm guessing I got over it so much quicker than my friend was because of the constant doses of mms. 

To order MMS >>> Click Here

Copyright © 2007 Michael-Paul Patterson