How to remove the filth from your body
so that it screams with new life.

Part 2.

There are 3 major ways to do this.

  1. Internal Cleansing kits.

  2. Fasting

  3. Through properly eating like the Ancient Masters.

We will start with Internal Cleansing kits.  This is the fastest way to jerk this internal garbage out by the roots.                    

My Mucoidal Plaque/"Tar Babies"        On a 5 day Colon Cleanse.

Below is an excerpt from Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, (Escondido, CA: Bernard Jensen, D.C., 1980), by Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.
Dr. Bernard Jensen is one of the pioneers of using colon cleansing to improve a person's quality of life. He witnessed some amazing accomplishments through colon cleansing and removing this rubbery matter. You can buy this book here.

"The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil. The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It's that hard and black. Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an incredible 40 pounds."

I like to call this stuff “Tar Babies“  Do you remember the old fable of Brer Rabbit and the Briar Patch.  If you don‘t, the rabbit had a fight with a person made out of tar.  When the rabbit tried to fight this person that he called “Tar Baby“ his hands kept getting stuck in this sticky black tar.  This is like the junk built up inside your body keeping you from regaining your full health.

So how many “Tar Babies" do you think you got inside?  

I‘ve done a few Colon Cleanses, the first one was definitely
the best.  And Oh my Lord!  The evil and hidious things that were released from my body.

Notice the shape of the intestines!

I have more pics. but I think this
is enough to gross you out.

I thought that I was pretty healthy inside but I was in complete shock when I saw how many Tar Babies had been growing inside of me.

Doing a Colon Cleanse is the fastest way to get on the right track to superior health.  A cleanse like this can last from 3 to 8 days.  It is totally up to you.  But obviously you will get more rewards if you do the full 8 days.

The second fastest way to remove your internal filth is by Fasting, This is when you go completely without food for a period of time.  This can be very challenging but the rewards are definitely worth it.  This will show you if you have real mental strength and will power.

Fasting has been practiced in every religion since the beginning of time.

Fasting can be very powerful. 

What happens to the body during fasting? 

There is a lot that could be said here but I will just stick with the basics.    

When you stop putting food into the body anywhere from 3 to 7 days, miraculus things begin to happen.  The body starts to push out all the old debry and mucus that has built up inside.  The immune system strengthens and the body then begins to repair and rebuild new cells.

When the body‘s enzymes are not constantly trying to digest food, these enzymes switch into a cleaning mode and start on a search and destroy mission to get rid of any plaque, mucus, or disease that is trapped inside the body.   

The body is constantly trying to repair itself 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When we step back for a short period of time and stop craming food into the body it will begin to heal itself.  It's only then we can regain a health that most of us only remember in our youth.

Here is what I‘m talking about.  If you cut your hand open, what do you do for it to heal?
You clean it out and make sure it stays clean for a few days and the body takes care of the repairation.  You don‘t have to mentally think about the cut for it to heal back, you just simply keep it clean and the body does the work.

The same thing happens inside the body.  If we keep it clean by not eating for a few days it has time to heal itself from the internal damage caused from a poor diet. I go into much more detail about this in my book, there is simply too much to discuss all of it here.

Fasting has been one of the best healing methods known for thousands of years.  Animals do this instinctively when they are sick.  You might have even noticed yourself not being so hungary when you are sick.  Your body just simply needs rest from everything, including the work of digesting food, to really heal itself.

If you have never done a fast before I would recommend a Colon Cleanse first.  Why? 
  1. With a Colon Cleanse You are normally taking a toxin absorber every 3 hours. This really helps to get rid of the hunger feeling and makes the detox symptoms much easier to handle.

  2. The ingredients in a colon cleanse will help to soak up any toxins that are being released in the body during the fasting period.  Depending on the strength of ones body, sometimes detox symptoms can be tough to handle because so many toxins are being released at once.  It truly helps to have something to mop up the toxic debry and flush it out.

For one of the best Colon Cleanses that I have found click here.

You can also receive the same results as colon cleanses or fasting if you learn to eat properly.   This takes the longest but it works very well if you do it right.

Again there is too much to cover here about a proper diet.  If you learn to follow what the ancient masters knew about how, when, where and why to eat certain foods your body will run more efficient and naturally.

If you don‘t do one of the above I repeat, you can take all the supplements, medications, and pay doctor bills all you want, but until you clean up the debry inside your body with one of the following methods mentioned above your body will never truly heal itself and reach its full potential.

In the next part I will give you some important information you need to know once you have stripped this garbage from your body.

Take Care,