"The Unconventional knowledge that they didn‘t teach you in high school, college, magazines, and most doctor's don't even know."

It is time to think outside of the box for now,  so take a minute and think very logically and rationally about the things that I am about to share with you.

Video A

Video B

Your time is valuable so no beating around the bush here.  We are going to just jump right in with the knowledge you need to understand that is going to give you a mental picture of how the body is designed and how we can make it function at it‘s most optimal level.

Simple body understanding 101.

Underneath the skin the body is mostly set up with thousands of different tube like structures.  Blood veins, muscle strands, nerves, esophagus, small intestines, large intestines, ect… All these take on a tube like structure.

For now, we are going to talk only about the tubes in the digestive tract.  We will talk mostly about these organs is because this is where 90 to 99% of the Health problems come from that are keeping you from gaining your full health and power. 

The esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines are like giant tubes where food and any other substances you might take orally, pass through.  You can think of the Liver and gallblader more like a sponge that absorb and prepare nutrients so that they can be used in the body.  

The tubes of the digestive tract are made out of soft tissues just like the skin on your arms.  These internal tissues can absorb substances just like your external skin.  I‘m sure you‘ve probably put lotion or oil on your body before and saw how your skin absorbed it.

The same thing happens inside the body when we eat foods or drink liquids.

What happens over a period of time is that these internal pipes become either clogged or corroded,  just like the pipes in your sink or toillet. 

I‘m sure you‘ve probably had a clogged sink or toillet before.  Why was it stopped up?  Too much junk started building up on the walls of the pipes.  Well the same happens inside the body.

Unless you have eaten 100% perfect all your life I‘m sure you probably have some junk built up inside your body.  Even if you can‘t feel it.

The Small and Large intestines are like a sewer treatment plant of a large city.  If the sewer treatment plant of a large city breaks down there are going to be some nasty filthy problems building up through the entire city.

So what happens when our internal sewer treatment plant starts to become corroded and clogged?

The tissues inside the body begin to decay and rot.  So basically we start rotting from the inside out.  And as these internal organs begin to get run down or fail to work the rest of our body starts shutting down.

  • 90% of the nutrients in the body are absorbed through the walls of your small intestines.  When this filthy mucoudal plaque is caked on the walls, the nutrients from your food cannot pass through this layer of filth. This is why many of the supplements that we spend our hard earned cash on get flushed down the toillet.  This is also very detrimental to your health as the body cannot recieve proper nutrients.  

  • The second major problem of this build up is called autointoxication.  This is simply means that the body keeps repoisoning itself.  There are thousands of blood vessels that surround and insert into the small and large intestines.  The mucoidal plaque that sits on the walls of the colon constantly seeps through the walls and into the blood stream.  Now you have toxins circulating throughout the whole body. 
Everyone is a little different but these toxins will build up in all places of the body; knees, liver, brain, back, shoulders, etc......

  • Nerves are also connected the internal organs, the acidic nature of this mucoidal plaque corrodes and eats away at the nerve endings causing them to functions very poor and inefficiently.

  • And last but not least, this mucoidal plaque provides a perfect environment where nasty parasites and bad bacteria can thrive.

Here is some real life footage of the internal plaque that I am talking about.

You can think of these internal organs like the engine of your car. (Sorry ladies this is the only analogy I can think of right now.  But you don‘t have to be a mechanic to understand what I am about to say.) 

When all the pipes in an engine are clean, all its parts work together and it runs as smooth as clock work.  If one of those parts were clogged then you may have trouble getting proper air to the engine or maybe not enough fuel flows through the pipes for it to run properly.  Your car then would start to sputter and overheat and eventually it  would die.  No matter how many time you turn the key it just won‘t fire up.

But if you keep the oil changed, the water levels right, and the carborator filter clean, you got a car that will run good for a long long time.  Three simple things will take you a long way in your car.  I'm sure most guys are saying Amen right about now.

The same thing happens with your body.  If you clean out the corrossion from your internal pipes your body will function at its top peek.  You‘ll be buzzin with such energy that you‘ll have the strength to wear out a class room full of children. 

When you get rid of the filth and debry that‘s built up in your body over the years your body will function at its most optimal level, your skin, hair, and eyes will become clean and new again.  It‘s truly like being reborn.

You can waste your money on all these beauty products and health supplements trying to regain youth and beauty but that‘s just like putting deodorant on a stinky armpit.  You are just covering up the problem and not cleaning it.

That‘s all for now.  In the next part of the course we will discuss how to remove this internal filth from the body so that it can function with superior health and strength.

We‘ll also discuss more benefits of this internal cleaning and how true healing of the body actually takes place.

Take Care,