Questions and Answers For the
Hulda Clark Liver Gallbladder Cleanse.


1.)  Do I Have to Drink That Much Apple Juice?
Just try and drink as much as you can, you may not be able to drink that much, so don't stress about the apple juice.  But everthing else you need to stick to just as it says.

2.)  What's better to mix the olive oil with?  The Grapefruit or the Lemon Juice?
Definately the Grapefruit! It mixes much easier with the olive oil and taste much better. 

3.)  Do the stones come out as soon as I take the drink?
No, they will come out the next morning.

4.)  Will it hurt when the stones come out?

Not at all, you won't even feel them.

5.)  Will I be running to the bathroom all day?
No, you will only need to have a toillet close by the next morning, after lunch everything is normal again. So it's best to do it on a weekend or when you know you have the next day off.

6.)  Could these Stones not just be the result of the epsom salts, fruit juice and olive oil reacting somehow in your stomach?
I get this question all the time.  First of all, no matter what health subject you study, you are ALWAYS going to have people arguing back and forth.  Some will say it is good and real and some will say it is bad and a fake. 

On my 5th liver Gall Cleanse I found no stones.  I thought I would try it one more time just to make sure and I also found no more stones after my 6th cleanse.   This leads me to believe that the protocol had flushed out all of my stones.  Everyone has a different amount of waste and toxicity built up in the body so for some it may take more or less that 6 attempts at completely clearing all the stones.

I have also had other people email and tell me that they have felt much relief after doing the cleanse.   No one has ever contacted me with any negative results.

Many doctors will either write it themselves or have someone else write negative articles about doing natural cleanses.  They do this because they lose thousands of dollars when they are not able to perform gallbladder removal operations.

Many natural healers have used olive oil medicinally for centuries.

Coming up, I will show you video proof that if you do this cleanse so many times you will begin to see no gall stones coming out and if you are not convinced, here is how you could really prove this cleanse to be real or fake.

1.) Go to the Doctors office and have and ultra sound done that will show you the amount of gallstones in your gallbladder.
      Ask for a picture of the ultra sound that shows the amount of the gallstones for your records.

2.)  Go home and perform a gallbladder cleanse.  Two gallbladder cleanses would be even better. 

3.)  Then go back to the Doctors office and have a second ultra sound done to see if there are less gallstones on the ultra sound pictures.  If there are less or possibly none at all, then you know without a shadow of a doubt that the cleanse worked.

4.)  DO NOT tell the Doctors Office that you are going to do a natural liver gallbladder cleanse, they might tell you not to do  it or they might throw off the readings of the ultra sound because they do not want people knowing cheap methods of how to heal themselves.  The medical association makes way too much money off of their expensive pills and surgeries.  If you don't believe that last sentence, check out a book called, "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" By Kevin Trudeau.  This man has some of the best research exposing the medical association and their lies to the public.