Edgar Cayces Protocal for Removing Gall Stones.

Apply a castor oil pack over the liver and gall blader every afternoon or evening for an hour.  Then sponge off the oil with a teaspoon of baking soda to one pint of water. 

Do this for at least 7 days without breaking.  Try to do it at the same hour each day.

Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2 to 3 times a day at anytime.

After about the 3rd or 4th day observe your stool and there should be indications of the gall ducts being emptied and there should be some stones. 

If you don't see any, rest one day, then repeat for another 7 days and you will find changes come about unless their is undue exercise.

More info about Edgar Cayce Click Here.

Note:  I have not tried this protocal personally but I added it for those who truly might be frighted to drink the larger doses of olive oil that were mentioned in the previous protocals.  This protocal is much softer but if you apply the castor oil packs everyday I believe you would get some amazing results.

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