Emails from Colon Cleanse.

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Monica Hallucinates.

  Hi Michael,  just one question: Lars and I have started this Blessed Herbs colon  cleansing cure last Sunday and we both have a really bad taste in the mouth. Is it normal? May I have some chewing gum just for comfort or is there anything that you would recommend?  Thanks a lot for any suggestion!

  Hey, That bad taste in your mouth is a good thing:) It just means that your stomach is starting to clean out. Me and Tanja both chewed gum during the cleanse, so that's fine. I hope you take a good head shot before and after the cleanse. You can see a slight difference in the face afterwards. Also take a full body shot front and side view just for experimentation. Stay Strong! It won't be a ride at disney land but once it's over you will be glad you did it. let me know if you have any other questions.

 just have anything to chew is a bliss. Lars feels completely satisfied
and he said that he hasn't got hunger at all.  On the contrary I start to be hallucinating: yesterday I swore I could  taste pizza in my mouth, although I didn't have anything else apart the herbs.

The good part, I already lost extra 5 pounds at least, now, not to go too much into details, but the herbs moved my bowels incredibly on the first day (something like 10-12 times) and less the following days. It  looks like for Lars it takes some more time. He usually eats a lot of cheese, at least 1 Kg per week and milk and all that stuff. I absolutely  do not, I indulge occasionally on Parma ham (once per month or less).  Has it anything to do with that?

I did not think about taking a picture of myself, but I can already tell  the difference: Although I haven't skin problems of any kind, my skin  looks brighter, and my body leaner, while it usually tends to absorb  lots of water. How often should you do the colon cleaning? Once per year? Twice, perhaps? Thanks again for your help!

That's funny with the pizza taste, I have only read about that in books, others have also experienced it. I haven't. Everyone will react a little different with bowel movements, we all have different eating patterns. Yes he could be slower because of all the dairy products. Tell him to take 10 of those digestive stimulators if he has to, it does not matter, what matters is that he uses the bathroom at least once a day.

 It depends on how toxic you are or how toxic you feel, but for the average person, once or twice a year is fine. You picked a great time, you know the old spring cleaning thing everyone talks about, well now you are just doing it internally. :)