Colon Cleanse Questions & Answers

1.)  I've heard some people say that the ropes of matter that comes out during a colon cleanse is just the product itself and not toxins, is this true?

Yes, part of it is the colon cleanse product itself, when you swallow a substance like this, of course it must come out the back end. But the bentonite clay absorbs toxic junk 40 times its own weight.  So although there is still some substance from the product itself, it has mopped up toxic materials several times its own weight. 
I have done this cleanse a few times and I could see the difference in color in the stool.  The first time was the worst, it was very black and a little bit dark green. I usually do this cleanse once a year, just for a regular internal house cleaning. And I've noticed over time that what comes out now is not near as much and the color is a very light brown.

2.)  I have read about the minor side effects that are related to fasting/colon cleansing, but I was wondering if there have been any cases of terrible side effects such as stomach bleeding, loss of organs, or things of that nature. 

No, there have been no cases of terrible side effects recorded.  When you fast/colon cleanse you are on natures operating table and the body will only begin to heal itself.

You might experience some minor discomforts such as headaches, nausea, and some minor aches and pains but those are short lived and will go away sometimes within minutes, hours, or maybe even a day but usually no longer that 24 hours.  The minor discomforts are just body purging itself from old built up toxins.

3.)  I know you recommend blessed herbs, but I was wondering if you could get similar results from a wheatgrass fast?

It depends how clean you are internally.  If you are very toxic, you're probably going to have a really hard time going on an all wheatgrass fast. 

I just had a guy email me that was gung-ho about doing a wheatgrass fast.  He had all his trays set up a was ready to go.  He said he only lasted 2 days and felt very sick and had to stop.  I explain in my videos that if you are not use to fasting or have not eaten a very good diet for some period of time it is very difficult to dive right into fasting.  It's hard because so many toxins are getting thrown out at once and your body can't get rid of them fast enough.  But if you have the Colon Cleanse, it will mop up all these toxins as they are being released and it makes it much easier.
So if you are not use to fasting the most  optimal would be to do the colon cleanse first and then do a wheatgrass fast.  It will make life much easier.  I also know this from personal experience.

4.)  What cleanse should you Do First?

You will always find people butting heads on this subject but, I personally think the Colon Cleanse Kit should be done first before the liver gall cleanse. Why?

1.)  The colon cleanse will clear the main pathways so that when you do the gall cleanse, the stones will have no problems making it through the intestines.

2.)  During the colon cleanse you are giving the liver and gall bladder some time to rest and build up strength so that they can really spit out more stones.

3.)  Also during the colon cleanse you take your daily shakes mixed with apple juice.  This way you are definately drinking enough apple juice before the liver and gall bladder cleanse without having to force yourself to drink so much.

5.)  How long should you wait between the 2 cleanses?

You can do the liver gall bladder cleanse on the last day of the colon cleanse (which I would recommend because the liver and gall bladder have had a much needed rest and now they can really spit out more stones.)  You could also wait two days and then do the gall cleanse or you could wait a week or month it doesn't matter.

Here is the flip side to that.

You could do the liver gall bladder cleanse first and then start the colon cleanse anytime you want.  So you can do them in any order and get good results but from my experience, for the most optimal results, do the Colon Cleanse first.

The Icing on the Cake.

As far as the Internal Cleasing Kit goes, this is kind of the last step. and you really don't even have to do that one.  Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to do but you will be doing the majority of the house cleaning with the Colon Cleanse Kit and the Liver/Gall Bladder Cleanse.

6.)  I've done colon hyrdotherapy is that the same as a colon cleanse you speak about?

Hydrotherapy is good but it only cleans the large intestine.  Where the small intestine joins the large intestine there is a valve called the ileocecal valve.  It's a one way valve that allows materials and liquids to leave the small intestines and enter the large intestines but will not allow materials or liquids to enter from the large intestine back into the small intestines.  The colon cleanse I speak of will clean the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines.  So basically, from top to bottom.

7.)  I am planning to do the colon cleanse. Would it be OK or helpfull to take wheatgrass at the same time or should I do a seperate cleanse?

Yes! That would be excellent to mix the wheatgrass and colon cleanse. Just make sure to shoot the wheatgrass in between your shakes.  The colon cleanse shakes may absorb some of the wheatgrass if you take them at the same time.  But if you do the grass in between, it will get into the blood stream much quicker and easier.

8.)  I was just wondering if during the 8 days I might have headaches ( which I do suffer from very easily) can take some paracetamol.

Yes, if you tend to eat sugary foods you will probably have a slight headache for maybe a few minutes or even a few hours, usually this takes place during the 1st or 2nd day of the cleanse.  The body is cleaning out the acid crystals formed from too many sugars in the diet.  The best thing would be NOT to take any medication but to try and be soldier and suffer through it.  It will pass.
9.)   If I become really weak, could I still eat after the 3rd day some soups, vegetables, a little bit of bread? Maybe some yogurt?

Yes to all of the above except yogurt.  Any dairy products will really slow down the cleansing process.  Don't worry, they will explain more about eating in the manuel that comes with the colon cleansing kit.
10.)  Will it be a big problem if I go to work during the 8 days?

You can go to work, no problem. 

11.)  Will I really need the toilette next to me all the time? 

No, you'll normally go to the bathroom 1-3 times per day.  And it will feel just like a regular bowel movement.

12.)  After finishing the colon cleansing, Can I eat normally again or do I need to eat only light things such as soup and vegetables? 

It's better to eat light at first and then move to denser foods.  If you would like my personal advise about diet, you'll find everything you need to know in my course Diet of the Masters.

13.)  Do I need to buy any probiotics or something?

It would be good to take some probiotics after the cleanse either with pills, powders, or Kefir.
